Stephany C. Coakley PhD., LPC

Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC)

(866) 277-3401


Interested in learning more about what sport psychology is and how it can benefit you? Below are answers to our most frequently asked questions.
If you still have questions and would like to know more please contact us.

How do I get started?

To get started send an email to with a brief description of the athlete and how you believe they would benefit from working on their mental game.  We then schedule a telephone consult to answer questions, discuss the best approach based on the needs of the client, discuss a mental skills training plan, session schedule, services and fees.

Where are you located?

Maximum Mental Training Associates (MMTA) LLC is located in the Washington DC Metro Area.  However, we provide virtual mental strength and conditioning services to athletes, coaches, parents and administrators outside of the Washington DC Metro.  We have clients all of the country, and international clients.  Due to the nature of athletics and competition athletes are required to travel a great deal, especially in season.  Mental skills training doesn’t stop, it’s on-going regardless of the athletes’ location or the sport psychology consultants’ location.  Typical virtual communication includes: Skype, Google Hangout or Facetime to conduct sessions.

What do I need to bring to the first session?

Before the first session all new clients will receive a link to intake documents page.  New clients complete two questionnaires 1) Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS) 2) Athlete Coping Skills Inventory 28 (ACSI-28).  These are intended to assess current use of mental skills.   In addition to the questionnaires, there is a basic demographics form, and a service agreement for clients to complete.  After completing the MMTA intake packet, bring your documents and a small notebook with you to the first session.  For virtual clients, scan the documents to before your first session and also have a small notebook during the session.

What is a sport psychology consultant?

A sport psychology consultant has specific training in the psychological concepts related to human performance. They help athletes and coaches understand how psychological aspects of sport performance i.e. pressure to succeed influence how you perform. Additionally, they also help athletes and coaches recognize and leverage their mental skills i.e. confidence, concentration in order to maximize performance outcomes. We are often referred to as mental strength coaches. The skills that you learn will build mental toughness and the ability to consistently bring your A-game to training and competition. To learn more visit

Who works with sport psychology consultants?

Professional, collegiate, youth and recreational athletes; coaches, administrators and members of the military, to name just a few. But anyone can work with a sport psychology consultant. If you want to consistently realize your full performance potential you have to understand, and learn how to manage the psychological aspects (brain) of human performance (body). It is impossible to separate the brainfrom the body, and talent and skill are rarely enough. When you combine physical training i.e. sportspecific skills, endurance, speed with mental training i.e. confidence, concentration, imagery then you increase the likelihood of your best performances taking place.

How do I know if I should work with a sport psychology consultant?

If you are an athlete who has what it takes physically, but during the major events you choke? If you have struggled to get back into peak physical condition after an injury? Is your negative attitudeis undermining your success? If this sounds like you, you can benefit from working with a sport psychology consultant. You need to commit to working with a sport psychology consultant or mental strength and conditioning coach on your mental game. If you want to be the best, and fully realize your potential you must train your brain the same way you train your body.

What is the difference between a sport psychology consultant and a mental conditioning coach?

They are the same. In athletics, however, people are more comfortable with the term “coach” instead of “psychologist”. For many, when they hear psychology they think “nothing is wrong with me, I am not crazy”. They do not understand that the skills that we train or “coach” are designed to strengthen and develop mental toughness. In order to become skilled in the application of the mental skills that underlie peak performance you have to practice them in the training environment, and at other times, as well. Just as you would physical skills. When an athlete wants to improve their speed, they work with a speed coach, and practice specific drills so that during competition they can demonstrate their explosive speed. Similarly, if your ability to concentrate and stay in the moment during competition is poor, then you have to practice concentration drills to strengthen your ability to concentrate during critical moments in competition.

Mental Toughness

Having the natural or developing the psychological edge that enables you to generally cope better than your opponent with the many demands that are placed on you as a performer (athlete). Specifically, to be more consistent, focused, confident, and in control under pressure.