In the field of Sport Psychology we study how psychological factors i.e. anxiety, lack of confidence – influence sport, exercise and physical activity performance, as well as how sport, exercise and physical activity performance influence psychological factors.
Maximum Mental Training Associates (MMTA) trains athletes to maximize the power of their mental game to create the conditions for the mind and the body to work together, seamlessly – as one. When these conditions are met, extraordinary performances can occur. Our staff will train you to develop the mental skills to consistently create these conditions.
Psychological Skills
Training is designed to systematically develop and strengthen a variety of psychological skills in order to consistently achieve performance excellence. Our staff teaches techniques and strategies designed for use at appropriate times before, during and after practice or competition. These skills can be learned through quality instruction (coaching) and practice (commitment). The psychological skills that individuals learn are completely transferable and can be used to strengthen performances in other areas of life.
Before training begins a detailed assessment is conducted for each athlete and a program is tailored to meet the needs of each individual and/or team.
The Line Up
Training in these areas is available to individual athletes, small groups and teams. (Click the services below for more information)
The difference between a dream and a goal is, a dream is where we want to be and a goal is how we get there.

Building confidence
Learn techniques and strategies to develop a strong belief in yourself and your abilities as an athlete or performer.
Imagery is a skill that involves consciously creating or re-creating a mental picture of exactly what you want to do. Learn the science of imagery and why it works, and to effectively use this skill to enhance your performance.
Attention control
Attention is complex. Learn to 1) distinguish between concentration and focused attention 2) learn about your preferred attentional style and 3) learn techniques and strategies to help you remain focused on the task at hand, and to re-direct your attention when distractions (internal and external) divert your attention from the task at hand.
Emotional control
Learn to control thoughts, emotions and physiological activation so that these factors do not negatively impact your performance.
Performance (somatic and cognitive) anxiety
Learn strategies designed to reduce both somatic and cognitive anxiety so that these factors do not negatively impact your performance.
Stress management
Pressure situations can cause us to experience a stress response which can interfere with peak performance. You will learn relaxation techniques to trigger the relaxation response. Deliberately switching on the relaxation response minimizes the harmful effects of the stress response on performance and psychological well-being.
Cognition management
Everything that you do begins with a thought. Develop greater awareness of your thoughts and their impact on your performance. Learn to use effective thinking strategies to promote better performance outcomes, increase motivation and enjoyment.
Learn the process of deciding what you want to accomplish (goal-setting) and devising an effective plan to achieve (goal attainment) what you desire.
Performance routines
Develop performance routines for your sport. Learn the importance of routines and how they increase consistency in your thinking, feelings, and pre-sport behavior which leads to consistency in outcomes.
Academic performance
Learn strategies and behaviors that are designed to enhance academic performance so that students experience academic success.
Lifestyle management
Learn strategies and techniques to enable effective coping with the many demands associated with athletic participation, academics, work, family, friends and other obligations.
Leadership development
Learn personal qualities and behaviors associated with successful leaders and identify your strengths to develop your own leadership philosophy.
Biofeedback is used to increase self-awareness. It is also used to monitor and train you to improve attention control, emotional control, and cognition management as well as to help you learn to trigger the relaxation response.
Coping with injury/rehabilitation
Injury rehabilitation is a mental and physical process. You will learn strategies to help you cope mentally with the physical aspects of your recovery and rehabilitation. You will learn to work through difficult circumstances by using mental skills e.g. goal setting to increase motivation, resilience and psychological well-being.
Coping with adversity
Learn cognitive skills and strategies to cope with difficulties in your sport. The goal is for you to bounce back from adversity and perform at the same level or higher than before.
Communication skills
Effective communication is an import part of a teams’ success. Learn effective communication skills, strategies and behaviors to enhance team dynamics, cohesion and motivation.
Team building
Learn key principles associated with successful teams and develop attitudes and behaviors that foster team unity and cohesion.
Motivation Training
Learn key principles associated with the quality and quantity of your motivation and how these factors impact performances in training and competition.
Transition Services
Learn skills and strategies to prepare for and effectively manage sport and life transitions. These skills and strategies are designed to lower anxiety and other negative emotions, increase optimism, improve performance and psychological well-being as an athlete and beyond.
At Maximum Mental Training Associates we have an athlete-centered approach to our mental skills training programs. The athletes’ involvement is critical to the success of the training. In order for athletes to consistently achieve excellence in their performances it means putting in the work. You have to train your mind like you train your body. We encourage and expect that our athletes participate in all aspects of their mental skills training, which includes practicing the skills taught by our staff. Repetition Builds Strength. (Click the packages below for more information)
Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.

MVP Package
Assessment and Performance Profile
You will complete assessments such as the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS) to assess your current utilization of mental skills such as concentration, goal-setting, emotional control, in training and in competition. You will also complete a performance profile to help our staff identify appropriate mental skills interventions.
Performance Plan
Our staff will develop a customized mental game plan to guide education, acquisition and application of mental skills in training and in competition, and especially in pressure situations.
10 individual sessions
Individual mental skills training is; a combination of multisensory mental skills training, skill drills, homework, practice and application of mental skills in training and competition.
3 observations
Our staff will accompany you to your practice area or competition to observe you actively participating in your sport. This also includes video observation.
All-Star Package
Assessment and Performance Profile
You will complete assessments such as the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS) to assess your current utilization of mental skills such as concentration, goal-setting, emotional control, in training and in competition. You will also complete a performance profile to help our staff identify appropriate mental skills interventions.
Performance Plan
Our staff will develop a customized mental game plan to guide education, acquisition and application of mental skills in training and in competition, and especially in pressure situations.
5 individual sessions
Individual mental skills training is; a combination of multisensory mental skills training, skill drills, homework, practice and application of mental skills in training and competition.
3 observations
Our staff will accompany you to your practice area or competition to observe you actively participating in your sport. This also includes video observation.
Gold Package
Assessment and Performance Profile
You will complete assessments such as the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS) to assess your current utilization of mental skills such as concentration, goal-setting, emotional control, in training and in competition. You will also complete a performance profile to help our staff identify appropriate mental skills interventions.
Performance Plan
Our staff will develop a customized mental game plan to guide education, acquisition and application of mental skills in training and in competition, and especially in pressure situations.
3 individual sessions
Individual mental skills training is; a combination of multisensory mental skills training, skill drills, homework, practice and application of mental skills in training and competition.
List of Services
Personalized Package(s)
Services tailored to your specific needs and can include anything from the list below.
Observation includes direct observation or reviewing film. Observation can also occur during practice and competition.
Team mental skills building & training (pre-season, in-season, post-season)
Learn key principles associated with successful teams and develop attitudes and behaviors that foster team unity and cohesion.
Individual mental skills training
Minimum of 3 sessions. Individual mental skills training is; a combination of multisensory mental skills training, skill drills, homework, practice and application of mental skills in training and competition.
Coping with injury/rehabilitation
Injury rehabilitation is a mental and physical process. You will learn strategies to help you cope mentally with the physical aspects of your recovery and rehabilitation. You learn to work through difficult circumstances by using mental skills e.g. goal setting to increase motivation, resilience and psychological well-being.
Biofeedback training
Biofeedback is used to monitor and train you to improve attention control, emotional control, and cognition management as well as to help you learn to trigger the relaxation response.
Coaching Clinics
These clinics are tailored to meet the needs of coaches and other athletic personnel.
Parents Clinics
These clinics address mental skills strategies for parents to provide positive support and development to their children.
Individual transition counseling
These sessions are specifically designed for athletes currently experiencing a sport transition period or preparing to encounter a sport transition period i.e. high school athletics to college athletics, professional to life after sport.